Climate Change

An idea for a conspiracy theory that I’ve been playing around with for a while now has to do with climate change. More specifically, with the reduction of CO2 from our atmosphere. WHAT IF…

WHAT IF the powers that be want a reduction of CO2 (and/or other green house gasses) not because of any real concern for our planet’s capability to support human live, but as a type of terra-forming so that they can reveal themselves as lizard-people and make it more pleasant for them here?


It’s commonly accepted scientific knowledge, i.e. fact, that the plant life on our planet that makes life possible to begin with requires CO2 to sustain itself.

CO2 is used for photosynthesis, the process that plants use to produce energy in the form of glucose. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll absorbs light into a plant’s cells, which helps synthesize nutrients from water and CO2. Oxygen is released back into the air, and CO2 is transformed into glucose, a sugar molecule which provides plants with fuel to grow.

by Gabriel Lombardo

So basically plants take CO2 and turn it into oxygen that we humans need to be able to breathe. Oxygen makes up about 20% of the air around us and CO2 only 0,04%. Being space-lizards from outer space, they’d prefer less oxygen for their survival. The easiest way to achieve that would be to tackle a source of oxygen: plant life. The more the plants are struggling, the less oxygen there is for us humans. This would take care of 2 things for our alien-overlords-to-be:

  1. The less oxygen there is, the less people there are (or the weaker they are) and
  2. The less oxygen there is, the better the atmosphere is for them to exist in.

It’s a fact that the plant life on our planet requires at minimum approx. 150 ppm (parts per million) to survive and that approx. 200 ppm results in stunted growth. The current ambient CO2 is around 400-450 ppm. For enhanced growth you need between 1000 and 1500 ppm. This is, of course, an extremely oversimplified version of the science involved as I lack both the knowhow and the desire to paint a more detailed picture.